Normally I don’t like events where there is no audience participation. That is why I never attended a TEDx event in Chennai. But TEDxKCG is different. To me KCG College of Engineering is an extended family. There are so many people there, I spend a lot of time with. I hang out with the students in college and in chats, I meet the faculty on several occassions. I can even predict what will be served for snacks during events
So I decided to attend TEDxKCG. I am glad that I did. Mrs. Annie Jacobs was kind enough to let me invite a few friends. So I did. Most of them showed up. There was one uniform reaction from all of us. Wow!
I am not going to describe the entire event. I am sure several bloggers will do that. Venkatesh already did a great job. Here is what I think is the best snippet from his article that says it all:
Whoever drew the speaker list on the theme “Ekavira, Be Original, Be Different” deserves rich compliments.
One of my favorite young participants (and I have several) is Madhu from SSN. She was there on invitation from Yuvi. There is one tweet of hers, retweeted by her friend Karthik that blew me away:
Seems like #TEDxKCG happened like how we dreamed #TEDxSSN would happen @madhuvishy #oreythetears
This tells not only her impression of the event, but also the broad mindedness of a student from an entirely different college, simply expressing, what she felt.
The story behind the story, on how TEDxKCG came about may be the most interesting of all. We need to wait and hope that some one will write it up.
I will say this. I drove away from the event, a little humbled (there was so much talent in that room and so much dedication to make a mark), extremely pleased (I know how hard the team worked) and a little wiser. It is one of those events to remember.
A copy of this exists on TEDxKCG blog page as well.
2 thoughts on “TEDxKCG – One of the Best Events of This Year”
You guys rocked, big time. Would love to be in a longer session some time.
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