August 28, 2006Information and Intelligence Happy Birthday ProgrammableWeb! Programmable Web is one year old. And what an amazing year! Here […]
August 28, 2006Information and Intelligence Evolving Wikis When I Googled Wiki, I got more than 412 million hits. While […]
August 26, 2006Information and Intelligence Internet Singularity What an interesting concept! From Thinking Beyond Web 2.0: Social Computing and […]
August 26, 2006Information and Intelligence Mashup or Shutup Yahoo about Hack Day. We have no idea what’s going to happen […]
August 24, 2006June 28, 2020Information and Intelligence Why I Love Python While my feeling for Python is not exactly love, it is close. […]
August 23, 2006Information and Intelligence Talk: Scalable Web Architectures How do you build a product like Flickr or LiveJournal? What are […]
August 21, 2006Information and Intelligence Using Wiki as a Store for Mail, Chats and other Documents How about using a Wiki as a way to persist your useful […]
August 20, 2006Information and Intelligence Web Services: WS-Policy I read the early specifications of ws-policy, almost two years ago and […]
August 19, 2006Information and Intelligence Multi-core Paradigm Shift? In the last couple of years, we have heard more and more […]
August 15, 2006Information and Intelligence Product Capability? Is it better to build a powerful, flexible product with lots of […]