March 27, 2007Information and Intelligence Enterprise 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications What’s SAP doing to help customers infuse Web-based apps with rich-client functionality? […]
March 26, 2007Information and Intelligence The Fundamental Paradigms of Programming are Going to be Challenged Tim O’Reilley in Concurrent Programming: Erlang, Haskell… and XSLT the fundamental paradigms […]
March 23, 2007Information and Intelligence OpenAJAX Gets Stronger Since first formed, OpenAJAX seems to have gained a lot of support […]
March 21, 2007Information and Intelligence Idealog: InfoScope Doug’s idea of Hyperscope is almost seven years old. At iMorph, we […]
March 21, 2007Information and Intelligence Do What I Mean Engine Here is an event, I would not like to miss. The description […]
March 20, 2007Information and Intelligence Everyone Has a Program In Them I came across Alice a couple of weeks back. I saw a […]
March 17, 2007Information and Intelligence Getting New Ideas I got this data from anĀ Idea Receptiveness Survey. The most popular […]
March 17, 2007Information and Intelligence Project Red Stripe – In Case You Want to Participate Share your ideas. The Economist Magazine’s Project Red Stripe, promises to keep […]
March 16, 2007Information and Intelligence Recognizing Cool Vendors It is nice to see Gartner recognizing innovation and creating a category […]
March 12, 2007Software Development As Keyword Search Becomes Less Effective What is the simplest, most effective way of explaining the power of […]