Project Red Stripe – In Case You Want to Participate

Share your ideas. The Economist Magazine’s Project Red Stripe, promises to keep the ideas open, recognize you for your contribution, even give you a token gift.

Your idea can be as simple or complex as you like. It could be a product, a service or a business model. Before you jot your idea down, think about how best to describe it (here are some hints for doing this). If you want to track our progress, please visit our blog, where we would love to hear from you.

I already posted my bootstrapping idea – an IdeaPedia (similar to WikiPedia).

Here are a few reasons why:

  • There is already a semantic Media Wiki effort to add useful metadata
  • Ideas trigger ideas – so when people see one they are likely to build others based on a few

This is a bootstrapping idea for the infrastructure. Here are some related efforts that may help.

  • Have a microformat for ideas (I suggested this before in my blog) so that they can be harvested, spread and seeded
  • An idea RSS (this comes if you use a good wiki) feed that people can subscribe to
  • An Idea Group blog (where each submission becomes an entry) just to make sure that people who do not feel comfortable with a wiki can use this alternate channel for discovery, browsing and trackbacks
  • Integrate this wiki with the Idea blog
  • Design a set of infoblocks to provide some structure

4 thoughts on “Project Red Stripe – In Case You Want to Participate

  1. Hello Dorai,

    I saw your comments on The Economist Magazine’s Project Red Stripe entry “Ideas from the ether”. I am glad to see that your comments stayed up. In my case, looks like my constructive (I think) critiques were not to the likings of the people at PRS and it got deleted. My post reply to “Ideas from the ether” is listed under “The Economist’s Project Red Stripe – What were they thinking?”.

    Anyway, I just felt sad that PRS didn’t choose to response to my critique and decided to delete it instead. Oh well, it is their blog.


  2. That is sad. Why don’t you put your comments in your blog and link it to the “ideas” page? No one can delete your blog entries. It is good to have both praise and criticism of any idea. Questioning is important.

  3. Thanks for your understanding. Yeah, I’ve put my criticism on my blog and left a brief note at the PRS site. And that brief note was the one that seems to have been deleted.

    Like you, I think it is important to have both praise and criticism of any idea. Anyway, will see how it goes.

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