Thinking Strategies of Proficient Readers

What are the thinking strategies that all proficient readers use as they read?

  • Determining What is Important – Identifying themes and diminishing focus on less important ideas or pieces of information
  • Drawing Inferences – Combining background knowledge and textual information to draw conclusions and interpret facts
  • Using Prior Knowledge – Building on previous knowledge and experiences to aid in comprehension of the text
  • Asking Questions – Wondering and inquiring about the book before, during, and after reading
  • Monitoring Comprehension and Meaning – Using an inner voice to think about if the text makes sense or not
  • Creating Mental Images – Implementing the five senses to build images in the mind that enhance the experience of reading

I would add one more. If it is serious reading, identify a list of major concepts and draw a concept map. Keep this as your notes for a future reference.