Here are a set of links about Python and related products like Django, Pyramid and lots of libraries and tools.
- obspy.core 0.6.0o – a Python framework for seismological observatories.
- opencl-for-python 0.4.0 Open CL Python bindings
- Clyther 0.3-beta OpenCL Python integration
- selenium 2.16.0 Python bindings for Selenium
- bliss 0.1.17 A native Python implementation of the OGF SAGA standard (GFD.90).
- fandjango 4.0.1 Fandjango makes it stupidly easy to create Facebook applications with Django.
- pyramid_skins 1.0 Templating framework for Pyramid.
- stoqdrivers 0.9.14 Python fiscal printer (ECF) drivers
- FilterPype 0.3.1 FilterPype is a process-flow pipes-and-filters Python framework.
- Flask-DebugToolbar 0.6 A port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
- Astropysics Astrophysics libraries for Python
- PyTeVCat 1.1.2 Python wrapper for TeVCat
- OpenSRS 0.1.1 Higher level Python interface to the OpenSRS XML API
- django-coverage 1.2.2 Django Test Coverage App.
- django-user-metrics 0.1 capture metrics for each user
- joblib 0.6.0a Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.
- django-maintenancemode Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work
- django-configglue 0.6.1 Django commands for managing configglue generated settings
- pyperry 1.2.8 Python library for querying and mapping data through generic interfaces (this is a port of the Ruby “perry” library)
- python-sld 1.0.6 A simple python library that enables dynamic SLD creation and manipulation.
- django-sld 1.0.4 A simple django library that generates SLD documents from geographic models.
- django-threaded-messages 0.1.26 User-to-user threaded messaging system (similar to facebook) for Django
- django-wysiwyg-forms 0.1.0 A What You See Is What You Get form editor for Django.
- sleekxmpp 1.0 SleekXMPP is an elegant Python library for XMPP (aka Jabber, Google Talk, etc).
- django-debug-toolbar 0.9.1 A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
- django-envelope 0.4.1 A contact form app for Django
- crawler 0.1.2 python crawler.Do you want to receive these alerts in your email? Let us know by sending a message.