InfoStream Alert – Python, Django, Pyramid News

Here are a set of links about Python and related products like Django, Pyramid and lots of libraries and tools.

  1. obspy.core 0.6.0o  – a Python framework for seismological observatories.
  2. opencl-for-python 0.4.0  Open CL Python bindings
  3. Clyther 0.3-beta  OpenCL Python integration
  4. selenium 2.16.0  Python bindings for Selenium
  5. bliss 0.1.17  A native Python implementation of the OGF SAGA standard (GFD.90).
  6. fandjango 4.0.1 Fandjango makes it stupidly easy to create Facebook applications with Django.
  7. pyramid_skins 1.0 Templating framework for Pyramid.
  8. stoqdrivers 0.9.14 Python fiscal printer (ECF) drivers
  9. FilterPype 0.3.1 FilterPype is a process-flow pipes-and-filters Python framework.
  10. Flask-DebugToolbar 0.6 A port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
  11. Astropysics Astrophysics libraries for Python
  12. PyTeVCat 1.1.2 Python wrapper for TeVCat
  13. OpenSRS 0.1.1 Higher level Python interface to the OpenSRS XML API
  14. django-coverage 1.2.2 Django Test Coverage App.
  15. django-user-metrics 0.1 capture metrics for each user
  16. joblib 0.6.0a Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.
  17. django-maintenancemode Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work
  18. django-configglue 0.6.1 Django commands for managing configglue generated settings
  19. pyperry 1.2.8 Python library for querying and mapping data through generic interfaces (this is a port of the Ruby “perry” library)
  20. python-sld 1.0.6 A simple python library that enables dynamic SLD creation and manipulation.
  21. django-sld 1.0.4 A simple django library that generates SLD documents from geographic models.
  22. django-threaded-messages 0.1.26 User-to-user threaded messaging system (similar to facebook) for Django
  23. django-wysiwyg-forms 0.1.0 A What You See Is What You Get form editor for Django.
  24. sleekxmpp 1.0 SleekXMPP is an elegant Python library for XMPP (aka Jabber, Google Talk, etc).
  25. django-debug-toolbar 0.9.1 A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
  26. django-envelope 0.4.1 A contact form app for Django
  27. crawler 0.1.2 python crawler.Do you want to receive these alerts in your email? Let us know by sending a message.