- django-inplaceedit 0.69
django-inplaceedit 0.69 Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database
- django-staticfiles 1.1
django-staticfiles 1.1 A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.
- django-salmonella 0.4.2
django-salmonella 0.4.2 raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an object’s string value on change and can be overridden via a template.
- netCDF4 0.9.7
netCDF4 0.9.7 python/numpy interface to netCDF library (versions 3 and 4)
- psphere 0.5.0
psphere 0.5.0 vSphere SDK for Python
- django-unfriendly 0.2
django-unfriendly 0.2 The unfriendliest urls in town! Django app that obfuscates urls and allows your application to natively execute the original view.
- django-beefycachecontrol 0.2
django-beefycachecontrol 0.2 Beefier Cache-Control HTTP headers created by @never_cache decorator in Django.
- adrest 0.4.4
adrest 0.4.4 Adrest – another django REST. Simple application for quick build RESTfull API.
- django-dynamic-manipulation 0.0.4
django-dynamic-manipulation 0.0.4 Record rule based dynamic manipulations.
- django-pyvows 0.1.0
django-pyvows 0.1.0 django-pyvows are pyvows extensions to django web framework.
- BlazeUtils 0.3.5
BlazeUtils 0.3.5 A collection of python utility functions and classes.
- django-dynamic-validation 0.2.2
django-dynamic-validation 0.2.2 Define user generated validation requirements for django models.
- django-simple-sso 0.3.1
django-simple-sso 0.3.1 Simple SSO for Django
- django-processinfo
django-processinfo django-processinfo is a Django application to collect information about the running server processes.
- pyramid_debugtoolbar 0.5
pyramid_debugtoolbar 0.5 A package which provides an interactive HTML debugger for Pyramid application development
- BIP 0.5.8
BIP 0.5.8 Bayesian Inference Tools for Python
- Linux Systems Administrator – Amazon Cloud/Beanstalk
Linux Systems Administrator – Amazon Cloud/Beanstalk Linux Systems Administrator – Amazon Cloud/Beanstalk My city based media/publishing client is looking for a Linux Systems Administrator with strong experience with Amazon Cloud/Beanstalk and strong scripting experience with Bash, Shell, Python, Perl. The Linux Engineer must have strong experience with the full LAMP …
- obdemo 1.0-beta1
obdemo 1.0-beta1 Demo website configuration for OpenBlock (hyperlocal news for Django)
- ebdata 1.0-beta1
ebdata 1.0-beta1 Data scraper infrastructure for OpenBlock (hyperlocal news for Django)
- obadmin 1.0-beta1
obadmin 1.0-beta1 Setup and administrative tools for OpenBlock (hyperlocal news for Django)
- ebpub 1.0-beta1
ebpub 1.0-beta1 Core models and views for OpenBlock (hyperlocal news for Django)
- pants 0.10.1
pants 0.10.1 A lightweight framework for writing asynchronous network applications in Python.
- mailinglogger 3.4.0
mailinglogger 3.4.0 Enhanced emailing handlers for the python logging package.
- django-qrcode 0.1.0
Django application that provides simple templatetags to generate QR-codes
- ete2a1 ete2a1rev401
A python Environment for Tree Exploration
- Webcast: An Introduction to Erlang (for Python programmers) – Sep 22 2011
Webcast: An Introduction to Erlang (for Python programmers) – Sep 22 2011 Duration: Approximately 60 minutes. Cost: Free Conventional wisdom states that you should learn a new programming language every year. The big question is – of course – which one? There’s just so many of them, isn’t there? Of …
- PyDispatch 1.0.1
PyDispatch 1.0.1 Simple Python message dispatcher
- pyramid_formish 0.1
pyramid_formish 0.1 Formish bindings and helpers for Pyramid web framework
- thrift 0.7.0
thrift 0.7.0 Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
- pydss 0.1a
pydss 0.1a Python Distribution System Simuator
- django-dynamic-rules 0.2.0
django-dynamic-rules 0.2.0 Allows you to create dynamic rules related to a particular model
- django-dynamic-validation 0.2.1
django-dynamic-validation 0.2.1 Define user generated validation requirements for django models.
- django-dynamic-manipulation 0.0.3
django-dynamic-manipulation 0.0.3 Record rule based dynamic manipulations.
- PySCeS 0.7.9
PySCeS 0.7.9 The Python Simulator for Cellular Systems – simulation and analysis tools for modelling biological systems
- pyperry 0.1.19
pyperry 0.1.19 Python library for querying and mapping data through generic interfaces (this is a port of the Ruby “perry” library)
- linaro-django-xmlrpc 0.4.2
linaro-django-xmlrpc 0.4.2 Flexible XML-RPC application for Django
- ooredis 1.3
ooredis 1.3 An redis python lib, see for more information.
- itty 0.8.0
itty 0.8.0 The itty-bitty Python web framework.
- ConFoo 2012 in Montreal: Python charmers wanted
ConFoo 2012 in Montreal: Python charmers wanted ConFoo is a conference on several aspects of the Web held from Feb 29th to March 2nd in MontrĂ©al, the host city of PyCon 2014-2015.Do you have Python solutions for real world problems? Are you the author of a framework? Do you want …