Here is the link to the paper, and here is the abstract from the paper:
With the significant advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) over the last half century, there is an increasingly perceived vision that computing will one day be the 5th utility (after water, electricity, gas, and telephony). This computing utility, like all other four existing utilities, will provide the basic level of computing service that is considered essential to meet the everyday needs of the general community. To deliver this vision, a number of computing paradigms have been proposed, of which the latest one is known as Cloud computing. Cloud computing aims to enable the dynamic creation of next-generation Data Centers by assembling services of networked Virtual Machines so that users are able to access applications from anywhere in the world on demand. Hence, in this paper, we define Cloud computing and provide the architecture for creating market-oriented Clouds by leveraging technologies such as Virtual Machines (VMs); provide thoughts on market-based resource management strategies that encompass both customer-driven service management and computational risk management to sustain Service Level Agreement (SLA)-oriented resource allocation; reveal our early thoughts on interconnecting Clouds for dynamically creating global Cloud exchanges and markets; present some representative Cloud platforms, especially those developed in industries along with our current work towards realizing marketoriented resource allocation of Clouds by leveraging the 3rd generation Aneka enterprise Grid technology; describe a meta-negotiation infrastructure to establish global Cloud exchanges and markets; illustrate a case study of harnessing ‘Storage Clouds’ for high performance content delivery; and conclude with the need for convergence of competing IT paradigms for delivering our 21st century vision.