It took a while for me to get back to my Google reader. I was going through the list of mashups from Programmable Web and here is what I found.
Education reference site based on US Department of Education data embedded with Yahoo Answers to deliver relevant questions and answers about colleges and universities in the United States.
The really cool thing about this mashup is that I discovered a bunch of other “Answers” applications, notably one for Facebook.
Aggregates search trends from Google Trends and Yahoo Buzz. A complete list of the trends is supplemented by Google Search Results, Blog Search Results, News Results, Image Results, Book Results, Yahoo Search Results, and MSN Live Search Results.
Mashup of LinkedIn Questions and Answers
This is a RSS feed that contains mashup of Linkedin Questions RSS feed and Linkedin Answers published on the Linkedin website.
This uses two Yahoo pipes chained together. The first searches a default list of RSS feeds for terms you provide. The results are processed and an extra link is added that calls a pipe to run a Yahoo Search to give more details about the article topic.
It is a cool Yahoo pipes app. There is a great idea in it somewhere. I can imagine some interesting possibilities with some recursion thrown in.
A mashup of tags with a Yahoo Pipe containing aggregated results from Blogger, Technorati Google Blog Search and several others. Click on a tag to see what people in the blogosphere are saying about that topic today
Does sound delicious (no pun intended). One of the coolest mashups I have seen in a while. I just wish it had a language filter so that I can see just English language blogs.