One of the Best Blogs from WordPress

One of the ways I find blogs is to occassionally look through the Best Blogs from WordPress. I am glad that I did today. I found Matt Davey. Matt talks about technology in the investment community. I already benefited from some of his links. Here are just a couple of them.

Google Techtalks

An article on adoption of Open Source at E-Trade

But the real bonus was finding a reference to this book:

The Predictors : How a Band of Maverick Physicists Used Chaos Theory to Trade Their Way to a Fortune on Wall Street (Paperback)

This book reminds me of the blog I wrote on the impact of math based on a Business Week article. I like this blog. He talks about several topis of interest to me – technology, Zope, Semantic Web etc.

2 thoughts on “One of the Best Blogs from WordPress

    1. I had to go to Google translate to understand your comment. Can you post it in English? It may be better to tweet it than post in blog.

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