One of the ways I find blogs is to occassionally look through the Best Blogs from WordPress. I am glad that I did today. I found Matt Davey. Matt talks about technology in the investment community. I already benefited from some of his links. Here are just a couple of them.
An article on adoption of Open Source at E-Trade
But the real bonus was finding a reference to this book:
This book reminds me of the blog I wrote on the impact of math based on a Business Week article. I like this blog. He talks about several topis of interest to me – technology, Zope, Semantic Web etc.
2 thoughts on “One of the Best Blogs from WordPress”
Buenas tardes,
Estoy creando una Biblioteca Virtual de literatura universal para la comunidad hispana. La dirección del blog es Me encantaría ser parte de los sitios recomendados de su página. También he preparado un video que deseo compartirlo.
I had to go to Google translate to understand your comment. Can you post it in English? It may be better to tweet it than post in blog.
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