We started with 40 ideas ( 5 each from 8 departments). After initial screening, we selected 16 ( 2 from each department) and had them present to an external jury. Here are a list of these ideas. we will award three top ideas. We will support many of these ideas turn to prototypes.
- Robotic sewage Cleaners
- Detecting Landmines Using QuadCopter
- Partial Replacement of Natural Course Aggregate with Plastic Aggregate
- BIM Modelling using alternate Realities
- Voice ATM
- IOT based fire alert system
- Detecting and helping Dyslexia in Children
- Detecting early signs of foot problems for Diabetic Patients
- Automating powering up and down classrooms in a college
- Water Management system using IOT
- Automatic segregation of recyclable material
- Hybrid Solar Panel
- MTC Bus Tracking
- IOT based Smart glasses
- Flexible and Compact couch
- Temperature control Jacket