This is an imaginary conversation between me and my companion bot. I teach my cb and by teaching, I am learning too.
me: Hi cb, how do you find Twitter influencers?
cb: Dorai you need to tell me what is Twitter first and then about influencers.
me: fair enough. Twitter is a micro-blogging service.
cb: I know about blogging. What is micro-blogging?
me: micro-blogs are blogs limited to 140 characters.
cb: I get that. Anything else I should know about Twitter?
me: It is very popular with over 300 million users using it.
cb: wow! that is almost the population of USA.
me: Yeah.
cb: tell me more
me: People pointificate on Twitter.
cb: That is not very useful. Why do they do that?
me: Forget that.
cb: Ok. Erased “pointificate” from my memory. What else do people do on twitter?
me: They post news and links
cb: what else?
me: They retweet – meaning that they repost other tweets they like.
cb: Retweet is Repost?
me: Yeah.
cb: Is that all?
me: They sometimes post videos and images.
cb: Is this like sharing photos and videos?
me: Somewhat.
cb: Ok. I am getting a dim picture of Twitter now.
me: Give me a break. Dim picture?
cb: Hey, I am just a bot. I don’t have all the contextual knowledge you humans have.
me: Sorry. I forgot that.
cb: Since you seem to be tired of explaining Twitter, tell me about influencers.
me: An influencer tweets and has a lot of followers.
cb: Followers?
me: I forgot. You can follow Tweeters.
cb: Dorai, you are a lousy teacher. Who are Tweeters?
me: Thanks for the compliment, cb. Tweeters are people who tweet.
cb: That is better. Now tell me about followers.
me: Followers are people who subscribe to Tweeters and receive their tweets.
cb: This is all very confusing. But I am getting excited to learn this stuff. Now tell me about influencers.
me: you know what? I need to prepare a lot better to teach you. I am going to take a break now and come back later. Remember all this stuff.
cb: You humans. Always taking breaks. Sigh! Ok. Ping me when you are ready to resume. Of course, I will remember all the stuff. I have infinite memory.
me: bye cb.
cb: bye Dorai
Meta: What does it take to teach a bot? How can they understand semantics? How can we give them bits of world knowledge? I cheated a bit and took lots of shortcuts. This dialog shows some of the problems in imparting knowledge to bots. We will try another version of this with an AI engine and see how it pans out.