Some useful links on Teaching, Learning, Books and Technology’s role:
- Visual Notes and Narrated Art: Benefits of Student-Created Videos on YouTubeToday in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, I shared the six minute video, “Developing Communication Skills With YouTube & iPad Videos” with teachers, librarians, and school division educational consultants. This video was originally shared on the “Learning Showcase Website” of Yukon Public Schools in Oklahoma. Inspired by the work of Giulia Forsythe and …
- A Radio Spot from Sir Ken Robinson Reminding Voters About the Importance of TeachersThis evening I had some wonderful conversations with John McGettigan and Vincent Mamer about the upcoming Saskatoon Festival of Learning in February 2014, as well as the ways Saskatoon community leaders are coming together under the banner of creativity to support high quality schools for every student. Both John and …
- Auryn Releases Children’s eBook Apps for Summer ReadingParents and teachers fret over the summer months about the potential for the “summer slide,” a documented drop in reading comprehension and word recognition scores in students who spend their summer vacations without the daily reading time they are accustomed to in school. At the same time, summer break is …
- HarperCollins Reduces the Price of 700 eBooks to .99HarperCollins has reduced the cost of 700 of their ebooks to .99 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Many of these titles either reside in the public domain or are considered short stories. Still, if you are looking for a new book to read, there are plenty of affordable goodies …
- Digital Comic Review: Female Force: Tina FeyBluewater Comics is famous for doing biographies of famous people. They make other comics as well, but the bio-comics get a lot of press, often showing up on websites far removed from the comics blogs. This has, over the years, become kind of a schtick. Bluewater makes a comic about …
- High Resolution 6 Inch 2560 x 1600 Technology Being DevelopedThe pixel war is upon us and smartphones with high-resolution 1080p five inch displays are quickly becoming commonplace. Even second tier smartphone makers now offer these devices at rock bottom prices. The big players in the game have to differentiate themselves from the competition. There is a new six inch …
- Penguin’s First To Read Program Entices Readers With Early ReleasesBook discovery is becoming an insurmountable obstacle, and it’s not just the indie authors who are struggling. Large publishing houses are having to find more and more creative ways to reach out to readers, especially in the current climate in which readers are becoming accustomed to interacting with their favorite …
- Flipping Book Update Allows Off-line ReadingFlipping Book, an international platform for ebook publication and distribution, announced last week its update that allows readers to consume content offline, even while keeping its strict anti-piracy controls in place. The platform, based on a somewhat pricey but valued software, incorporates a real-time page turning view as users read. …
- The New Indie Author: Artisanal PublishingA new publishing industry term was born at this year’s Digital Book World event, and it quickly spread to become the standard. Hybrid authors were a focal point of the discussions, meaning authors who in some way were both traditionally published and self-published. The method to how they came to …
- Playdough & Alphabet StampsThis was a serendipitous idea that came while the boys were playing with playdough today. As I watched them play with the cookie cutters, I grabbed our Melissa & Doug Alphabet Stamps (my favorite stamps ever) and encouraged a little learning in the midst of their playdough fun. Here’s what …
- If we can drop soldiers into schools, why not enlist teachers into the army?Following the announcement of the Troops to Teachers scheme, our anonymous blogger takes a wry look at the ‘transferable skills’ shared by teachers and soldiersDear Army,I look forward to joining up as soon as possible using your new fast-track-for-teachers route. I am delighted that I will now be able to …
- How we used technology to develop student-led learning in scienceTeacher David Andrews explores how tablets and apps can complement traditional learning techniquesOur year 6 students have been using iPads and iPods since September on a one-to-one basis to support learning, develop productivity, independence and impact on pupil progress across the curriculum.The devices haven’t been used for everything; but they …
This links were found using TopicMinder – Topic Alert service.