What Would You Like To Be?

I loved this post – Be, Do, Have fromΒ Josh Linkner’s Blog. So I asked myself the question “What would you like to be?”. Here is an attempt to answer it. These answers may change in future and your answers may be different. But take a look and tell me what you think.

Frankly, I was a little surprised by my own answers. I thought I was a product builder and an entrepreneur. I think I still am. But I have been looking at what I was gravitating towards in the past couple of years and this is what I found.

1. What do you love to do the most?
Building Communities

2. What gives you the most satisfaction and joy?

3. When do you feel like you are making the biggest impact?
When I bring a set of people together to share knowledge and experience

4. What activities most energize you?
Interacting with smart, passionate people. Hanging out with entrepreneurs, for example.

5. What would you do if there were no possibility you could fail?
Build an ecosystem

6. What are you doing when you lose track of time?
Writing, reading and interacting with people

7. If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?
I am still working on this one πŸ™‚


6 thoughts on “What Would You Like To Be?

  1. Indeed, i enjoyed our conversation back in Bangalore! I still have Bangalore in my mind.. Thank you for being an inspiration and a teacher during those awesome few days there πŸ™‚ Will be making a trip to India early next year, if things go according to plan πŸ™‚

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