Python Alerts from InfoStreams:
- ecspy 0.1 A framework for creating evolutionary computations in Python.
- pyroutes A small WSGI wrapper for creating small python web apps
- zopyx.convert2 2.0.3 A Python interface for the conversion of HTML to PDF, RTF, DOCX, WML and ODT) – belongs to zopyx.smartprintng.core
- pyutil 1.3.34 a collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
- pyprof2html 0.1.3 Python cProfile and hotshot profile’s data to HTML Converter
- datashaping 0.3.1 A pythonic query API for structured data.
- rpy2 2.0.6 Python interface to the R language
- business_tools 0.2.13 A python module for various business transactions.
- markdown2 markdown2: A fast and complete Python implementaion of Markdown.