It is some times nice to start off with a blog post and discover a gold-mine. You keep digging and keep finding more stuff. Here are a few I found this morning:
Explaining Things: Math vs Programming
Who Reads Code Samples – which seems to have started the entire Math vs Programming comment threads
There are some really good arguments here and opinions. I like to think of Math being declarative, abstracted version where code deals with all the nuances and explains things a bit more.
I do like the concept of alternate forms of expression – especially in a programming book. So I will pick up and read this book (learning the Math if needed) just to see whether I can get used to this style.
Here is a nice link on Teaching Mathematics using Programming. If you do not have a formal Math back-ground or studied it a long time ago but forgot most of it (like me), this may help a bit.
we now have new tools: the development of computer programming has provided languages with grammars that are simpler and more tractable than that of conventional mathematical notation. Moreover, the general availability of the computer makes possible convenient and accurate experimentation with mathematical ideas.