What are the skills required for handling future jobs?
I found this reportĀ from National Academies Press. A few skills listed in this document include:
- Creative Problem Solving
- Complex Communication Skills
- Adaptability
- Self-management
- Self-development
- Systems thinking
From my experience of working across two continents, I would like to add a few more:
- Critical Thinking
- Cross cultural training
- Curiosity
- Inspired and Inspiring (got this from a job ad at Forrester’s research)
I want to dwelve a bit on “Self Management”. I use it as a primary metric to hire people since I do not believe in supervising or managing people. I found that many people who are great at managing themselves do it because they believe in a cause, passionate about what they do or extremely proud of their work.
How do you develop these competencies? Or even explain why they are important? That is the challenge that requires a lot of innovation in teaching or coaching.
Also See:
Malcolm Gladwell on the challenge of hiring in the modern world.
This post was triggered by an email from ACM news about a study done in Ireland. Looking at the study, I felt that some of these problems have global implications. So I started searching on “future skills” India, USA.
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