Blogosphere – An Update

Amazing. You can find the original post here.

  • Technorati now tracks over 35.3 Million blogs
  • The blogosphere is doubling in size every 6 months
  • It is now over 60 times bigger than it was 3 years ago
  • On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day
  • 19.4 million bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their blogs are created
  • Technorati tracks about 1.2 Million new blog posts each day, about 50,000 per hour

What are the implications?

Something that we have known for a while. Blogs are becoming mainstream. I depend on them for new product announcements, perceptions on new products. This is mostly because some of the peope I trust and respect and want to learn from, blog. Find your blog guru or blogmentor.

How will you find the blog(s) you want?The blog search engines(including Google's) are very primitive. We need to think different. There are definitely product opportunities in this space. Blogs are more structured than web pages. You can get more semantic information from the blogs. These include:

– The author

– Topics covered

– Connections (through blog rolls)

– Ranking (these may not be perfect but we certainly have them)

– Readership (how many people follow the blogs)

– A place to track new additions to the blogosphere (

– A well defined format for the information (RSS/Atom)

– Tags (or categories)