Links – May 16, 2020
Yesterday I tweeted about “learning to learn” and mentioned that AI would help us learn better. One of my students asked me to share some useful links. Here are a few starting points. I am going to use Education as a proxy for Learning even though they are not exactly the same.
Discovered an International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Lots of useful resources and they have conferences.
A search for “Artificial Intelligence in Education” got me a bunch of tweets. Here is a link. This is snapshot as of 16th May. If you are interested in these tweet streams, let me know. Will maintain a separate page for these tweets.
The Twitter account of IAIED Society (@IAIEDsociety), if you are interested in tracking AI in Education.
I like it when one of my students (current or past) asks me questions. It helps me learn too. Thanks, Hemamalini. This is the first post to answer a small part of your question. There will be more!