Liz Wiseman talks about The Power of Not Knowing . She talks about multipliers and how they work.
Multipliers are different. Some of the common attributes you can find in multipliers are that:
- They are supportive
- They trust people
- They listen a lot
- They make you feel important
- They seek help
- They give appreciation
- They get out of the way
- They are demanding and have high expectations of you
- They challenge you and let you suffer a bit
- They operate from a place of inquiry
- They push you out of your comfort zone into spaces unknown
- They ask questions that focus the energy and intelligence of the group
Diminishers hire great talent, but do not allow them to operate at their full potential. Here is how to identify them.
- They micro manage people
- They adopt a subtle attitude of “my way or high way”
- They typically operate in “tell” mode
- They constantly emphasize their superiority
- They remind you that you don’t know enough
- They constantly interrupt
- They operate from a place of knowledge (their knowledge)
- They create stress in the teams that work for them
Listening to this talk, made me think, how we have a mixture of the qualities of both multipliers and diminishers. I have noticed that good multipliers are comfortable in their own skin and make great mentors and coaches.
After listening to Liz, I am putting her books on my reading list. I highly recommend listening to this podcast.