PyLog: Python Links

Python links from InfoStreams

  1. closure 20110811

    closure 20110811 Closure compiler packaged for Python

  2. fluent-logger 0.1.0

    fluent-logger 0.1.0 A Python logging handler for Fluent event collector

  3. django-greekapp 0.0.3

    django-greekapp 0.0.3 New testament greek app for django.

  4. bpmappers 0.5

    bpmappers 0.5 Model to dictionary mapping for Python

  5. pyduck 0.3

    pyduck 0.3 Python implementation of Go-like interfaces for more robust duck typing

  6. requests-oauth-hook 0.1.0

    requests-oauth-hook 0.1.0 Hook for adding Open Authentication support to Python-requests HTTP library.

  7. Combinatorics 1.1.0

    Combinatorics 1.1.0 This set of basic combinatorics functions supplements Python’s itertools module.

  8. pymeshio 2.0.2

    pymeshio 2.0.2 pure python 3d model io library

  9. django-csv-importer 0.1.1

    django-csv-importer 0.1.1 Convert csv files into python object or django model

  10. csvImporter 0.1.1

    csvImporter 0.1.1 Convert csv files into python object or django model

  11. rpy2 2.2.4

    rpy2 2.2.4 Python interface to the R language

  12. A Simple Namespace Class (Python)

    A Simple Namespace Class (Python) Python recipe 577887 by Eric Snow (dict, namespaces). Revision 2. “Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!” — The Zen of Python For when you want a simple, easy namespace, but you don’t want it cluttered up with Python’s object …

  13. Finally, the Tablet to Make HP and RIM Feel Better About Themselves (Ina Fried/AllThingsD)

    Finally, the Tablet to Make HP and RIM Feel Better About Themselves (Ina Fried/AllThingsD) Ina Fried / AllThingsD: Finally, the Tablet to Make HP and RIM Feel Better About Themselves  —  There have been some pretty bad attempts to take on the iPad over the past year, but things reached …

  14. Canadian Ice Shelves Halve In Six Years

    Canadian Ice Shelves Halve In Six Years eldavojohn writes “The CBC reports on new research that shows thousand-year-old ice shelves (much different than sea ice) are breaking up and have been reduced by half in a region of Canada over the last six years. ‘This summer alone saw the Serson …

  15. rpyc 3.2.0

    rpyc 3.2.0 Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library

  16. restkit 3.3.2

    restkit 3.3.2 Python REST kit

  17. django-delegate 0.1.5

    django-delegate 0.1.5 Automatic delegate methods for Django managers and querysets without runtime dispatch penalties.

  18. django-health-check 0.1b2

    django-health-check 0.1b2 a pluggable app that runs a full check on the deployment, using a number of plugins to check e.g. database, queue server, celery processes, etc.

  19. django-signalqueue 0.2.6

    django-signalqueue 0.2.6 Asynchronous signals for Django.

  20. django-sentry 1.12.0

    django-sentry 1.12.0 Exception Logging to a Database in Django

  21. Wand 0.1.0

    Wand 0.1.0 Ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python

  22. jsbridge 2.4.5

    jsbridge 2.4.5 Python to JavaScript bridge interface.