In the future, in much the same way that algebra was shaken by the discovery of calculus by Newton or Liebnitz, Martin hints to his audience that they have an opportunity to transform everything about the way we think about programming.
Thanks to @nethi for sharing this on Facebook.
I was listening to this talk in the morning and smiled when I heard a reference to PDP-8. That was the first computer I worked on (actually a clone called TDC-12) for a few months before switching to TDC-16, a PDP-11 clone. All we had was machine language – not even an assembler (which came later).
I never learned LISP or Smalltalk and regret it a lot (need to make up for it soon). My life went from Machine Language (where we coded in octal/binary) to Assembler to Basic to Cobol, C and VB. After a long gap, now I am dabbling a bit in Python (mostly exploring but no serious coding). It would be fun to try out Clojure.