Editorial Note in ITBusinessEdge:
Enterprise content management is becoming more sophisticated, but blogs and wikis are making enterprise inroads.
This issue covers other interesting trends including Personal Workspaces. The ECM article talks about Blogs and Wikis in the enterprise.
Blogs and wikis have moved past the flashy tech bling phase and are now settling in as core elements of the enterprise collaboration.
The author points out that blogs and wikis have the same hype factor as IM a while ago. But wikis have been around for more than 10 years. Look at the documentation and knowledgebase of any open source project. It is normally a wiki. In my opinion, enterprises are a bit late to the game in terms of adoption of the wiki. It may have something to do with the geekiness factor of wikis but that is changing the rapidly. The current generation of wikis are easier to use.
As for blogs, I am a firm believer that what we are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. I think the business uses of blogs and community uses will be mainstream sooner or later. The integration of blogs and wikis (sometimes called blikis) will alter the way we create, share and improve information.