(3 weeks of effort) × (1 O’Reilly book) = (some level of domain expertise)

I do not believe in coincidences. But they seem to happen and I do not know how to explain them.

Yesterday I bought a new laptop and gave my old one to my wife for her trip (since it had lots of things setup for her to use). I wanted to move my Firefox bookmarks to the new machine. So I went looking for Firefox extensions. I found a really cool one called FoxMarks. I installed it, uploaded all my bookmarks. Switched to my new machine today and synched up. It was easy. Amazingly easy.

Today I am browsing through my InfoMinder alerts. I go to Dr Dobb’s developer notebook and I see an entry called The Pull on Python Programmers. Shannon Behrens, a Senior programmer at Foxmarks talks about working in the company.  That is where this blog title comes from. According to Shannon:

I can’t say enough about Python and agile programming. Piecing together small, well-documented, well-tested pieces of software makes solving big problems easier. Furthermore, I know I can rely on the equation:

(3 weeks of effort) × (1 O’Reilly book) = (some level of domain expertise)

A fellow Pythonista. Nice to know. Also nice to know that

“there’s a gravidic pull on them toward Google in Mountain View”

3 thoughts on “(3 weeks of effort) × (1 O’Reilly book) = (some level of domain expertise)

  1. ‘Also nice to know that “there’s a gravidic pull on them toward Google in Mountain View”.’


    Gravidic means something taking place during pregnancy.

  2. Oops. Sorry. You are right. I took it from the original text of the author and reproduced it. I thought he meant something close like a gravitational pull. Geodetic effect, perhaps?

    Should I correct it? But then, can I still keep it as a quote?

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