Some Ideas for a Newbie Tweeter

I am always urging people who would listen (and even people who would not ) to blog, tweet or learn Python. A friend of mine, who finally bought into my idea asked me “What should I tweet about”. I wrote a list. I thought it may be useful to others too. So I am sharing it here.
I assume that you know your target audience. When you start out, you may not know. Make your best-educated guess but confirm it as you tweet and get responses.
  1. Tweet about your professional self. Especially, lessons you learned that you think may be relevant to your audience. 
  2. Tweet about your profession. Talk about what aspects you enjoy most.
  3. Tweet about events. Not just that the event happened but what caused it, what you see as the effect of such events.
  4. Tweet about your learning (related to your profession). 
  5. Advice to my younger self is a nice format in which you can share your insights and wisdom about life. 
  6. Share little bits of knowledge. A one-pager or a paragraph of about a topic in your industry would be a great start.
  7. Share tweets you like. Please annotate it with your observations.
  8. Ask your audience a simple open question and start a conversation. Use a hashtag to watch these conversations. 
  9. Tweet about something worth reading, listening to or watching. Mention why you are recommending it.
  10. Tweet about ideas and trends in your industry and their potential impact. This can be another interesting conversation starter.
Please share your ideas on tweeting. If you write blog posts, please tweet them and use #tweetideas as a hashtag.