This collection contains 4 videos.
In the first two videos you will get a little taste of Python.
- A brief description of the workshop, and pre-requisitesÂ
- Your first program and introuctdion to some simple concepts. We start with a simple hello world program and make changes to customize it to greet the user.
We learned how to:
- Write a simple program and run it?
- Get input from the user
- Process the input
- Import and use a module
- Convert a string into an integer
- Use control-flow-statement like if…elif..else
- Make the program more readable by adding comments and docstrings
The next two videos, we will learn how to:
- Create a simple command line chatbot
- Use more Python statements – while, break, pass etc.
- Use data structures like listsÂ
- Use strings and string functions
Hello2 – A revised version of Hello program to greet the user based on the time of day.
Chatbot – A simple command line chatbot. Shows you how to use lists.
How to get most out of these two sessions?
- Watch the video once.
- Type in the code and try to make it work on your computer.
- If you run into any problems, don’t worry because that is normal. In fact getting, finding and fixing problems are part of developing programs.
- If you need help or questions, please post in the #ask channel on Discord Server we set up for this workshop. The invite link is sent separately in a the mail.